LATAM Airlines

How to cancel my flight LATAM

Depending on your ticket type and fare class, there are a number of things to take into account if you need to cancel a LATAM flight. It’s important to review the airline’s cancellation policies because some tickets could not be refundable or come with a cost. You can typically make modifications online through their website or by calling customer care if your ticket has a flexible cancellation policy. However, you might not be qualified for a refund or credit towards future travel if your fare is non-refundable or subject to restrictions. In those circumstances, it may be worthwhile to research the airline’s guidelines for waiving change fees in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as delays caused by COVID.  

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By nancyadams

EVA Air offers a convenient and customer-friendly 24-hour cancellation policy to meet the changing travel needs of its passengers. This policy allows travelers to cancel their flight within 24 hours of booking without incurring any fees or penalties. It provides flexibility for unforeseen circumstances or schedule changes, giving customers peace of mind when making their travel plans. However, it is crucial for travelers to note that this policy only applies to tickets purchased directly from EVA Air's official website or through authorized travel agents. Overall, EVA Air 24-hour cancellation policy stands as a testament to their commitment towards delivering excellent customer service and prioritizing passenger satisfaction.